Y.O.D.A. (Yaro`s Oracle Data Admin) can manage objects in ORACLE database via HTML.
Web-based tool for developers and administrators of Oracle severs. Written in PHP to allow view,manage and export Oracle objects (tables, view, index, package, function, procedure, trigger..) over the WWW (similar function as phpMyAdmin and TOAD)
Many people have difficulty understanding the concept of user management with regards to Y.O.D.A.. When a user logs in to Y.O.D.A., that username and password are passed directly to ORACLE. Y.O.D.A. does no account management on its own (other than allowing one to manipulate the ORACLE user account information); all users must be valid ORACLE users.
Installing Oracle, PHP, and Apache on Windows 2000/XP
Installing Oracle, PHP, and Apache on Linux
Y.O.D.A. does not apply any special security methods to the ORACLE database server. It is still the system administrator's job to grant permissions on the ORACLE databases properly.
Y.O.D.A. - Credits ==================== CREDITS ------------------------------- - Josef Jaroš aka YaroSH <yarosh_at_seznam.cz> * creator of the Y.O.D.A. project - phpMyadmin lang file translators; * language file